一、天然抗菌奈米粒子(奈米銀)功效 --強效殺菌奈米銀顆粒與病菌的細胞壁/膜有相當強的結合能力,能直接進入菌體,迅速與氧代謝的硫醇(-SH)結合,阻斷代謝並使其失去活性,進而無法對人體造成危害。
二、奈米大商機奈米技術在許多不同產業領域,有人挖掘這巨大金礦所埋藏商機。例如用於維他命與化妝品添加物「奈米金粒子」,應用於製造高畫質超薄顯示器的「奈米碳管場發射顯示器」,或用於抗癌藥物的「微脂體」。 92年9月24日「奈米技術產業化企業」會場熱鬧非凡,場外也是如此,國內不同領域奈米研發廠商到現場展示。將奈米材料運用在化妝品,不是新聞,早在三年前法國化妝品大廠L』oreal已運用奈米二氧化鈦,生產抗紫外線化妝品。
1970年代,肢體與脊椎的權威,美國Robert O. Becker醫學博士(人體電性作者)發現銀離子能增進骨質成長、並殺死外來有害細菌。1978年三月,「Science Digest」書內有篇文章內容〞我們自體內強大的微生物〞(Mightiest Germ Fighter)有說明:」這真是令人太吃驚了,銀實在是現在的新藥方,他對目前種類繁多的有害微生物產生作用,並能使其解除武裝,殺死它們,至少650種以上病菌。而且銀對人體而言,完全是無毒的。」 文章的結尾是Harry Margraf博士作總結,她是華盛頓大學,內科學系的醫學博士。她說:」銀是我所見過最好的殺菌藥物」。?五、奈米銀殺菌機制
目前市面上有許多的產品品質仍不如本公司生產奈米銀,高品質的奈米銀是電化學方式製作,非以化學合成方法,如此奈米銀才會懸浮於溶液內。極細的奈米銀會呈懸浮態於無雜質的溶液內。理想的顏色是金黃色,若顏色較深則代表粒子尺寸較大。若產品包含其他微量元素或必須用搖動的方式,則此屬於劣質品。若產品須存放在低溫下,則代表其內的微量元素在高溫會產生變異。保存的器皿最好是玻璃,而塑膠製品可能無法使其保存於室溫下太久。有些廠牌聲稱含有高濃度的奈米銀,實際上這種銀是極不穩定的。此處我們需強調,高濃度的銀並一定會百分之百殺死細菌,真正使用的安全範圍大約是300 ~ 5 ppm.,而人體攝入量的安全範圍則在3 ~ 5 ppm。七、可攝入奈米銀含量
文獻上指出,奈米銀可殺菌種類達 650種以上,再強調一次,他不是直接將細菌毒化,而是使其細胞新陳代謝停頓,進而自然死亡。所以人體是多細胞生物,不會有此種危險。目前己經發表的文獻中,有關奈米銀治療的報導,最有名的如下:痊瘡、AIDS(文獻8)、抗過敏、盲腸炎、關節炎、抗癌(文獻2, 4, 7)、糖尿病(文獻1)等等。參考文獻
1."Use of Colloids in Health and Disease." Colloidal silver has provenparticularly effective in cases of intestinal troubles. Dr. Henry Crooks found that "silver in the colloidal state is highly germicidal, quite harmless to umans and absolutely non-toxic. Rather than in a chemical compound, the silver in the colloidal state may be applied in
a much more concentrated form, with correspondingly better results. All virus, fungus, bacterium, treptococcus, staphylococcus, and other pathogenic organisms are killed in three or four minutes upon contact. There are no side effects whatsoever from the highest concentrations."
2.Dr.Robert Becker, "The Body Electric," recognized a correlation between low silver levels and sickness. He said the silver deficiency was responsible for the improper functioning of the immune system. Dr. Becker's experiments conclude that silver works on the full spectrum of pathogens without any side effects or damage to any part of the body. He also states that the silver was doing something more than killing disease organisms. It was also causing major growth stimulation of injured tissues. Burn patients and elderly patients noticed more rapid healing. He discovered that all cancer cells change back to normal cells. All strains of pathogens resistant to other antibiotics are killed by colloidal silver. Yet at that time he couldn't find a silver supplement on the market.
3."Silver, Our Mightiest Germ Fighter," ScienceDigest, March 1978. As an antibiotic, colloidal silver kills over 650 disease causing organisms, and resistant strains fail to develop. Silver is the best all-around germ fighter we have and is absolutely non-toxic! Doctors report that, taken internally, it works against syphilis, cholera, malaria, diabetes and severe burns. Richard L. Davies, executive director of the Silver Institute which monitors silver technology in 37 countries, reports: "In four years we've described 87 important new medical uses for
4. Dr. Bjorn Nordstrom, of the Karolinska Institute, Sweden, has used silver in his cancer treatment method. He says the whole thing is quite simple. This brought rapid remission in patients given up on by other doctors.
5.The FDA has stated that because colloidal silver is accepted as a pre-1938 medication, it may continue to be marketed. Letter, 13 September 1991, received from consumer safety officer Harold Davis, U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
6."Colloidal Preparations of Silver in Pharmacy," British Medical Journal, February 1923: "Pure Silver is entirely non-irritant. In tests at very high concentrations, it has been shown repeatedly that the rapidly exerted disinfectant action is of considerable therapeutic value."
7.Dr. Otto Warberg (Nobel Prize Winner, 1932) stated that "Cancer is caused by the lack of oxygen and the fermentation of sugars."
8.Provo Herald, 13 February 1992, page D1: "Colloidal Silver as a Remedy for AIDS."
9.American Drug Index, section on Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry, recognized silver for its germicidal action, calling a stabilized form: Mild Silver Protein. There are several concentrations of Mild Silver Protein.
10.The Condensed Medical Dictionary, 6th Edition: Mild Silver Protein is listed for medicinal use. The 4s protein-2 is the trace used as a stabilizer.
11. Medicinal Silver Home Remedies, Maurice Worthington, M.D., 1928.
12. "Colloidal Silver Preparations of Silver in Pharmacy," British Medical Journal, 1932.
13.Royalty, worldwide, have been called "Blue Bloods," because of the silver content in their blood, even from birth. They used real silverware, ate from silver dishes, and stored their food in silver containers. There were no doctors. The common people were often sick with something.
14.Colloidal Silver, The Antibiotic Alternative by Lloyd Michael Canty and Zane Baranowski, CN. $3.85 each, plus 50 cents postage each. The Association for Advanced Colloid Research, 232 NE Lincoln St. Suite 1,
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124. 503-640-0810.
15.World Without Cancer by G. Edward Griffin. History of allopathic medicine in America. $9.95, plus $2.00 for postage. The Cancer Control Society, 2043 N. Berendo, Los Angeles, CA 90027. (213) 663-7801
16.The Body Electric and Cross Currents by Dr. Robert Becker.
17. Secrets of the Soil by Christopher Bird and Peter Tompkins.
18.Murder by Injection by Eustace Mullin. History of the AMA, also addresses, the Drug Trust, fluoridation, Aids and other health problems. $15.00 plus $1.50 postage. The National Commission for Judicial Reform, P.O. Box 1105, Staunton, VA 24401
19. Chemistry's Miraculous Colloids by Kenneth Andrews. The Readers Digest, March 1936. Quoting, Dr. Frederick Macy, one of the country's outstanding bacteriologists.
20.John Hopkins Hospital, More News on Silver. Dr. Leonard Herschberg
21.Michael D. Lemonick. The Killers All Around, Time Magazine, Sept. 12, 1994.
22. Searle, A.B. The use of Colloids in Health and Disease. The British Medical Journal. Nov, 1913, p. 83 Dr. Henry Crookes,
23.Colloidal Silver, Where have you been? by Iris A. Moore, The New Times, Seattle WA, May 1994
24.Brentano,L. MD, Margraf, H, Monafo, W.W. MD and Moyer,C.A. MD Antibacterial Efficacy of a Colloidal Silver Complex. Surgical Forum Vol. 17, 1966, pp. 76-78 Also Quoting, Dr. Harry Margraf
25.Report on Colloidal Silver, The Best Kept Secret, by Martha Duncan.
26.Thurman, R.B. and Gerba, C.P. (1989) The molecular mechanics of copper and silver ion disinfection of bacteria and viruses. Quoting, Dr. Richard Davies, The Silver Institute, Wash, V. 18, 4, p. 295
27. Oxygen Therapies by Ed Mc Cabe. $12.00 Includes postage, Energy Publications, 99- RD #1, Morrisville, NY 13408
28. H.E.L.P ful News, Vol. 8 No. 9
29. Science Digest, March 1978, Quoting Jim Powell
30. Harold Davis, U.S. FDA Letter, September 1991
31.The Olympian, Sunday, Feb. 20, 1994 quote by Alexander Tomasz / San Francisco, Associated Press
32. Newsweek Magazine, March 28, 1994 Antibiotics, The End of Miracle Drugs.
33.Magnesium Oxtazone, Colloid Research foundation, 1-800-487-5463
34. Newsweek Magazine, May 22,1995. Outbreak of Fear